Download mp3 songs or videos from esnips

eSnips is one of my favorite website to download mp3 and video songs, it is just an ultimate source to find any and all kind of song. But all songs on eSnips do not have download facility available, so it really becomes very cumbersome sometimes and wanting for such facility.

eSnips download mp3 songs BlogPandit

If even you are faced with same question, about how to download song on eSnips, you may use following ideas.

For Mozilla Firefox users

All you have to do is install this eSnipsDownload firefox add-on from userscript site.

idea download mp3 songs BlogPandit

Note – to use this addon you must have already installed Greasemonkey on your Mozilla browser.

For Internet Explorer (IE6, IE7, etc.) users

All you have to do is; find the mp3 or video on eSnips, play it completely and then extract the song or video from temporary cache folder.
The location of temporary folder on Windows system is

C:Documents and Settings[USER]Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5

replace [USER] with windows username logged in to the system

Let me know if you find any difficulty implementing this.

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