Your online travelling guide to plan your route

If you are new to some city or a place and are looking for a guide to show you the way to reach desired location then you would find Google Maps and directions completely helpful.
This service can also be used if somebody is planning for a holiday and is in need of direction to reach the destination.
Here’s how you may find a route to get to your destination.

Visit Google maps, click the ‘Get Directions’ hyperlink on left pane and enter the travel start location name in ‘ A’ box, in “place_name, city_name, state_name, country_name” format. Then fill the second box ‘B’ with the destination name in same format as above, and then Get Directions

At par with your imagination you would be presented with the detailed route of your travel plan in the text form (left pane) as well as pictorial form on map (right pane).

If you are interested in getting into more details zoom into the map or click on to individual items on text form of the map.

So now you may happily plan your travels at a last minute without worrying about route directions or about planner.

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