Unshorten your URL – Get your original URL back

For past few days I was looking out for a service or trick that will unshorten my URLs.
And guess what I found not one but three good online sites that help me achieve this just like that.

Top reasons, why unshorten the URL ?
– Some tiny services are blocked in few countries, so retrieving the original url can help
– I want to know what website or URL I would be visiting, before using shortened url
– Due to some or other reason, I hate shortened services and I believe in original

Whatever your reason may be, following unshortening services will certainly be helpful;


Untiny supports more than 70 different shorten url services; very fast.


Unshorten supports TinyURL.com, SnipURL.com, NotLong.com, Metamark.net, zURL.ws and many others


provides a single place to unshorten all those URLs shortened using services, such as TinyURL, bit.ly, tr.im, Snurl and other. API support available.

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