Do you find wanting Twitter to be more personal, so that you can send across tweets in your own language and not just be constrained to English messages.
Well then, there’s a good news for you !!
Now you can use TweetTranslate to translate and send messages on Twitter in 40 different languages.
How to translate and tweet?
Go to TweetTranslate, fill in the from and to language fields, mention your Twitter account login details (this account will be used to send translated updates) and tweet.
TweetTranslate can be used to translate tweets in languages like German, French, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese etc.
Also, at any later time you can login through your twitter account on TweetTranslate and see all the translated tweets and if interested retweet then and there.
Checkout these related links:
Twitlogo – Create Twitter style blue logo for yourself
search out how Hot a keyword or trend is on Twitter in last 24 hours