Get free email address

The following blogger trick will get you free blogger email id.

1. Register to Blogger to step up a new account.

2. Once you have finished with selecting blog name and default skin. Go to settings > email tab and put down some name of your choice under “Email Posting address” option, to complete the blogger email id, as shown below. You may now share this email id with your friends and flaunt it like a pro. This id is basically divided into two parts; first part is your login id of blogger and second part is that you chose above.

3. Once you have setup your custom email id, the next thing is to get email box ready. Select the option of “Publish emails immediately” as shown above, and save your settings.
4. The final step in this process is, go to Settings > permissions tab and select the option “Only Blog Authors” under Blog Readers section as shown below. This will allow only you to view the blog, i.e blog would be restricted to login id you used to register initially.

5. This blog cum email box can be accessed like any other normal blog, just type the blog address in your browser address bar and fill in login details and go read the emails in your new skinnable email box, without compromising on any of features of normal email application.
For sending the files you may use TheBigSend service.

5 thoughts on “Get free email address”

  1. I love all the really generic stuff, like, "Great Site. I'll be bookmarking it"…keep sharing

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