Get daily, regular alerts on H1N1 Swine flu

You can use Google Alert Service to receive and read the latest progress and discoveries on Swine Flu around the world.
This is what you need to do for setting up regular valid email alerts.

  • Go to Google Alerts
  • Enter the details asked for as shown below. Remember the email id you mention, since that’s where you would receive all your alerts.

swine Flu email alert
So instead of following false and manipulated news, now you would have a reliable data to act on.

You may also find following resources helpful related to Swine flu epidemic.

Q & A on swine flu:
You would find answers to all your questions here related to Swine flu; like what is swine flu, how it spreads, symptoms, precautionary measures, vaccination, etc.

Google live flu infection map:
A map showing information about flu spread around world, know what regions are affected and what are not.

get a real time data about flu activity across US, with one can also view data at state level.

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